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11:25 PM
Trudeau announced Canada to be a partner in NASA's lunar gateway plan

LONGUEUIL, Que.- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Thursday that Canada would actually become a partner in NASA's plan to create an Outpost to explore the moon.

"Canada intends to the moon," Trudeau said in a statement to the canadian galactic Agency in the Montreal suburb of Longay.

The national Aeronautics and space administration is starting to create its own fresh moon gate-a galactic station that will spin around the moon. The station will work on 2026.

"The moon gate will be one of the most ambitious plans ever undertaken by people today," Trudeau said. "This monthly Outpost will not only provide a long-term lunar presence, but will also work as a launching pad on Mars and beyond."

The project calls for a" sustainable lunar architecture " that would allow people and equipment to periodically go to the moon, NASA talks. It is described as the 1st step towards a more in-depth study of the cosmos.

Trudeau said that the partnership in the moon gate will be part of a fresh Federal galactic strategy, in which the government will invest $ 2.05 billion in the direction of 24 years. He said that the investments will make hundreds of well-paid working spaces and will each year bring $ 100 million in the gross domestic product of Canada.

Canada's main contribution to the moon gate will be the development of a mental mechanized system known as Canadarm 3. The device will repair and maintain the Outpost, which will be approximately one fifth of the volume of The international galactic station.

"Canadarm was needed for the galactic Shuttle, Canadarm 2 built an International galactic station, in consequence of this only a suitable and faithful hand, which will repair and maintain the moon gate, will again be made in Canada by Canadians," Trudeau said.

In November last year, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstein visited Ottawa in order to arrange a step for the canadian role in the lunar plan. At that time, he said, in fact, that it is believed, in fact, that the canadian skill in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics has the ability to provide a fresh canadian weapon. "If Canadians want to take part in missions to the moon with astronauts, we welcome it," he added.

Salting USA in Canada Kelly Kraft said in a statement that Thursday's poster marks "the beginning of a fresh era of us-canadian galactic cooperation."

Category: Science and technology | Views: 721 | Added by: hameleons30 | Tags: Justin Trudeau, NASA, Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway, canada | Rating: 0.0/0
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