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4:03 PM
The MIT method has the ability to squeeze objects down to the nanoscale

Метод MIT обладает способностью помещать объекты в наноразмер

Исследователи из Массачусетского технологического университета изобрели способ создания наноразмерных структур методом редукции по сравнению с 1000 единиц по сравнению с их первоначальным размером.

Создание наноразмерных объектов, меньших ширины человеческого волоса, может быть довольно сложным. Имеется в виду способ соединения рисунков травления с помощью лазеров на пробоотборник, но гигантская фракция работает только для 2-D плоскостей или довольно нетороплива и склонна к промахам, когда дело доходит до укладки 3-D объектов. Есть настолько сложные ограничения относительно того, какие материалы вы сможете применить.

A research team led by Dr. Edward Boyden of Massachusetts Institute of technology has found a creative conclusion. Instead of this, in order to thoroughly raise the fresh structure from zero, scientists have taken place to be the structure and reduced them to a suitable volume.

The method is implemented on the process for imagination of brain tissue caused by expansion microscopy. Applied by thousands of explorers in biology laboratories around the world, microscopy expansion connects to hit the material in the hydrogel and subsequently expand it. During this time, it allows the highest resolution images with a simple microscope. When the process is carried out in the reverse direction, then, in fact, what scientists call "implosion manufacturing", relatively giant objects have all chances to be reduced to one thousandth of their initial volume.

To begin with, the process begins with the creation of a frame of polyacrylate. After that, the fishing line is impregnated with a substance containing specific molecules that are attached to the frame when activated by a laser beam. Fluorescein molecules may be persuaded to such in order to attach to some points of the structure with the highest degree of accuracy.

” This is somewhat similar to the filming,"-said in his own statement co-author Daniel Oran, graduate student, Massachusetts Institute of technology University. "The hidden image is formed by the method of light influence on the susceptible tissue in the gel. After that, you will be able to cultivate this hidden image in the present image, attaching to it a different fabric, silver. In this way the implosion fabrication has the capability to make all the guises of structures, enveloping gradients, unconnected structures, and multi-material patterns.”

Irrevocably, the thing is kupan in acid, which blocks negative charges in polyacrylate, causing the entire structure to compress.

The most tremendous limitation of such a scenario is considered to be the inevitable compromise between size and resolution. For example, an object with a volume of 1 cubic mm has the ability to own the permission of 50 nanometers, while an object with a volume of 1 cubic centimeter contains the permission of 500 nanometers.

But including this probable use of this technique are numerous - from optics to medicine and robotics.

” There are all kinds of things you can arrange with this, " said Edward Boyden, associate Professor of bioengineering and brain and cognitive Sciences at mit. "The democratization of nanotechnology has the ability to detect the facets that we can not yet imagine for ourselves.”

«С помощью лазера, который вы уже можете найти во многих биолабораториях, вы сможете исследовать образец, после этого вносить металлы, полупроводники или ДНК, а затем сжимать его», - добавил Бойден.

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