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MONOSPACE MULTINATIONAL CORP sees the 2nd world conference on sports medicine (WCEM)

MONOSPACE MULTINATIONAL CORP sees the 2nd world conference on sports medicine (WCEM)

In 2017, Monspace successfully held the 1st WCEM. In March 2018, they held the first meeting in preparation for the 2nd WCEM in Dubai. The organizers of the conference this year includes 6 leading topics: physical culture and cancer prevention, physiological exercises and immunity, physiological exercises and cardiovascular diseases, physiological exercises and endocrinology, physiological exercises and metabolism, and, in the end, exercises and table.

The international Committee on physiological medicine and science was established under the management of the who group for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and the European medical Association. WCEM is created to prevent noncommunicable diseases on a mass level.

According to Global health organization (who), the number of victims kathgodam bottom draws 41 million people worldwide, actually what draws 71% of all cases of destruction of people.

The who report also shows that cardiovascular diseases are considered a key prerequisite for death, taking 17.9 million lives a year, followed by cancer (9 million deaths), respiratory diseases (3.9 million deaths) and diabetes (1.6 million deaths).

The founder and CEO of MONSPACE multinational companies, and chief instigator of WCEM Dato Sri Jesse layane that at the opening ceremony: “the main prerequisites for the widespread spread of noncommunicable diseases are considered the use of cigarettes, inaccessibility of physiological energy, alcohol abuse and the wrong table.”

There is evidence that, of all the deaths caused by NCDs, 17 million occurred before the age of 70. Premature death is more justified by the patient's diet and lack of physical exercise. Sitting type of life has the ability to lead to the highest blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. They are also referred to as metabolic causes of risk, which are likely to cause cardiovascular disease, and are considered the leading grounds for early death from NCDS.

"Nevertheless, NCDs can be effectively prevented through effective intervention. This includes promoting a healthy lifestyle, adjusting the diet, giving up tobacco, stopping the use of alcohol in excess and more bodily exercise,”said Deputy Chairman of WCEM Dr. Lee Chi Peng, who is still considered the CEO of MS New SYMPHONY EXERCISE CLINIC.

International scientific Committee on medicinal physical culture, later developed the 1st VCAM, support workers cramped Affairs with who. It has gained a role in the" massive action project for the prevention and control of NCDS 2013-2020", making a personal contribution to help reduce the rate of NCDs worldwide.

This way, the medical professionals from around the world are going to exist on VCAM to open a discussion of the results of own studies on NCDs.

This year covers a wide range of topics, in that number: breastfeeding and prevention of NCDs, physiological exercises and behavioral configurations, physiological exercises and old people, physiological exercises and endocrinology.

The conference is attended by medical specialists from Malaysia, Belgium, Switzerland, Slovakia, Taiwan, UK, USA, Philippines, Syria, Ukraine, Singapore, the land of the rising sun, Korea and other countries.

"Everyone has the right to a healthy life. We believe in fact that can put away the main premise of the bottom, eliminating a huge obstacle to mass health. We appeal to the medical professionals with the wish to find fresh ways to combat the problems of well - being, paving the way to innovative, daring and practical conclusions to enhance the prevention of NCDs”, - said Dato’ Sri Jesse Lai.

Category: Health | Views: 734 | Added by: hameleons30 | Tags: sports medicine, orthopedic surgeon, chest workouts, google scholar, Medical terminology, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, benign definition, angina pectoris | Rating: 0.0/0
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