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3:24 PM
Google workers to expire on the promotion of disobedience healing ladies

Google workers to expire on the promotion of disobedience healing ladies

San Francisco (AP) — hundreds of Google engineers and other employees around the world left work on Thursday in a signal of disobedience opposite the condescending case of the Internet company to the leaders accused of sexual misconduct.

This is the latest manifestation of an adverse reaction to the male use of female subordinates in Commerce, recreation and politics. In Silicon plain annoys girls more dominant among men in the labour force in the technological industry is a glaring imbalance that, according to the view of critics, contributes to the strange behavior, akin to the student fraternity.

Workers were recorded staged walks in offices from Tokyo and Singapore to London and Dublin.

Defiance of Google, announced "Walkout for Real Change", takes place through a week later in the New York Times was seen thorough the allegations of misconduct sexy Developer provisioning software for Android, Andy Rubin. In the report it is told, actually that Rubin received a severance payment in the amount of $ 90 million in 2014, but Google concluded, in fact that the accusations of sexual misconduct in front of him are credible.

Rubin ridiculed the Times story's note as inaccurate and refuted the accusations in the tweet .

The same situation also discovered allegations of misconduct, sexy other chapters, in that the number of Richard DeVol, Director of that laboratory, Google, which made distant plans, as these Autonomous cars and Internet balloons. DeVol remained in the lab " X " subsequently such as a number of years back were seen allegations of sexual misconduct, but he resigned on Tuesday without days off, approved by Google on Wednesday.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai apologized for the firm's" past exposure " in an electric message sent to workers Tuesday. "I know the anger and bummer that almost all of you feel," Pichai wrote. "I still feel that, and I am fully committed to making progress on an issue that has been preserved in our society for a very long time. and, Yes, here at Google, too."

The message made no mention of reported incidents with the role of Rubin, DeVol or anyone else, but Pichai didn't dispute anything about the Times situation.

In an electric message last week Pichai and Eileen Noton, the CEO of Google, responsible for personnel issues, were eager to certify employees, in fact, that the company dealt with sexual misconduct from the stage of leaving Rubin 4 years ago.

Between the rest, Pichai and Naughton said that Google had fired 48 employees, in that number of 13 senior managers, for "sexual harassment" in recent years, without giving any of their severance pay.

But the training on Thursday has the ability to talk about the fact that the important number of 94,000 employees working in Google and its corporate parent Alphabet Inc. left unsure, the firm is preparing enough to hold on to the personal decree Alphabet, calling on all employees to " create the right Luggage ."

Silicon plain Congressman tweeted about his own help on Google walkout, using the hashtag "metoo," which became a battle cry for ladies struggling with a sexy offense. "Why do they think, in fact, that this is not bad, in order to reward criminals and not to continue to comply with the victims?"the question was asked by the Commissioner Jackie Speyer, who gives a rich area where almost all Google workers live.

Copyright 2018 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This fabric does not have the ability to be placed, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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