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1st flight of the aircraft with ion drive

1st flight of the aircraft with ion drive

In February 1904, small news about nature marked a monumental event. In it were enshrined merit American brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, and still opening the, which they launched with a mound in North Carolina several months before. "Now, similarly, they managed to get up from the ground on a machine with a mechanical drive," nature said. It was “the first successful achievement of the artificial origin of the flight.” The 1st journey lasted only 12 seconds.

Almost 115 years later, nature is reporting little another historic flight, this one lasted 8-9 seconds. On page 532 scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) in Cambridge outline aviation breakthrough, which is inevitably compared with this fragile and fragile first journey through the air. The airplane is powered by a battery attached to a type of motor called an ion drive that does not contain moving parts.

No passengers either. All the device, which contains a 5-meter scale wings, weighs only 2.5 kg, in fact that makes out 1 tenth of the ordinary generally recognized measures of baggage of passengers of paid flights. The airplane hardly breaks away from the Ground, passing checks on a height of 1.5 feet (0.47 meters). But anyone who looks after the flight of the machine, most likely has the opportunity to see glimpses of the future with more spotless and quiet aircraft.

The article "announcements and eyes" discusses the technical details and difficulties that need to be solved to scale the layout of the aircraft. Is this goal achievable? Zdravomyslova value would have said, probably not. But after that, he still said, in fact that the aircraft with an ion drive or electroaerodynamic engines that make traction, using electronic forces to accelerate the ions in the water, in order to form an ion vortex, never will fly in General. The attraction, in the end, is performed only by the wind generated by the movement of ionized air molecules as the current passes between the 2 electrodes, once thinner than the other.

The ion vortex was first identified in the 1960s, but the bulk of scientists and aviation experts since that time insisted that this process will never become quite effective in order to be needed, and left the experiments to enthusiasts and adherents. What is not the least, MIT scientists not only show the 1st flight of the aircraft, driven to move this way, but they still demonstrate that the efficiency will increase as the aircraft speed increases, due to the fact that the electrodes, which operate as an engine, make this small aerodynamic counteraction.

The triumph of scientists, no doubt, will encourage others to study technology that was long forgotten. In this, without a doubt, are the military study, and some of the likely applications-silent drones and systems without infrared signal, which can not be detected — will be right to worry a large number and must not be closed to debate.

This 1st flight will initiate as a fright, for example, and excitement — for example, as well as the 1st flight of the Wright brothers. Will it have the same effect? When you read this, between 6,000 and 12,000 paid aircraft are present in the air, and that's a fraction of 100,000 or within such flights scheduled for any day. And any of these aircraft sends greenhouse gas emissions into The earth's atmosphere.

Monitoring of the relatively upcoming flight is unsafe, due to the fact that the actual work has all the chances to catch up with the action or give the desired for the real. (Just 4 years to weightless massacre 2 the universal nature of the war foreshadowed festive, in fact that the risk of air attack was remote. And in the 1970s, there were reports that the actual aircraft with a hydrogen engine has the ability to climb into the sky by the end of the twentieth century.)

When the Wright brothers made a personal historic flight in December 1903, he didn't receive much interest. To some extent, this was due to the fact that their idea was only one of several, studied for the merit of the flight, and others bet on the triumph of gliders, airships and including weightless snakes. The same is true now. Ion-drive engines are considered to be only one of the more important varieties to increase performance and impact on the environment around aircraft engines, in line with the options of fuel and design. Let us believe, in fact some of them removed.

Category: Science and technology | Views: 774 | Added by: hameleons30 | Tags: Mitch Trubisky, ion thruster, milwaukee heated gloves, ion drive, tulsi gabbard | Rating: 0.0/0
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